Wednesday, August 6, 2008

im so excited!school is starting i only want the first week than it to end!i just want to see my friends.and also see the teachers i dont no but im excited!it will be fantabulous hahaha!my schedule is
1student council-keiholz
2science-mr t!
3they didnt give me a third hour or english!?
5social studies-cosseboom
6pre algerba-garner?


Fawn Harris said...

I can't believe you are going into 8th grade you are the bomb Ash. Enjoy jr high it goes by so fast,

I remember the first day of Jr. High. I embarrased your mom so bad. She was a cheerleader and very popular. And then there was her little sister, Fawn. We had gotten to school early and doors were locked. So, I walked up to them put me face up to the glass and said "open open open". Like the mervyns commercial and she just about died. Now I am a mom of Five and look back and am glad that I embarrased her, good old times.

JaKelle said...

TAG! u have been tagged! check out my blog post "ive Been tagged" to see wat ya need to do!





best friends!
